Hang Up the Phone
Psychology Today
NOVEMBER 17, 2023
Consequences beyond the phone. It ian't all about the phone!
Psychology Today
NOVEMBER 17, 2023
Consequences beyond the phone. It ian't all about the phone!
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 11, 2023
T wo years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a 300-page document titled “ Guidance to Community Health Services ” that called for a paradigm shift in psychiatric care, with the biomedical model replaced by one that promoted “Person-Centred and Rights-Based Approaches.” In our MIA Report on that publication, we described it as a call for “radical change in global mental health.
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Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR)
NOVEMBER 17, 2023
This course will be open to scientists with an interest in behavioral treatment development to improve health behaviors. While applied behavioral and social scientists are the focus, basic scientists and methods experts are encouraged to apply as well. Any post-graduate investigator (doctoral or terminal degree received) in the medical, behavioral, social, and statistical/methodology sciences who has a demonstrated, pre-existing interest in contributing to investigator teams in developing and te
Dr. Deb
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
Catch my interview with Dr. David Van Nuys on Shrink Rap Radio Podcast as we talk about my latest book, mental health, the power of psychotherapy and wellbeing.
Lawyers with Depression
NOVEMBER 11, 2023
True Stories is a series of guest blogs I am running on mental health in the legal profession. In this article, we explore the affect depression has on loved ones and their struggles to help. Katie has been married to her law student husband for almost four years. She has grown into a more compassionate and well-rounded Certified Health Education Specialist and Mental Health First Aid provider from her experiences with her husband’s mental health issues.
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
T rauma is situational. The situation in which a human being is unable to wind down for a long time because it has been continuously subjected to aversive circumstances is likely to result in distress. There is a growing body of literature that supports this thesis today. Yet the biomedical concepts of mental distress still seem to prevail in the public discourse.
Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR)
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
A poster session complements the plenary sessions and workshops that make up the IBTN Conference. Poster abstracts will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The IBTN Conference will be held from May 16 to 18, 2024, and is open to anyone registering to attend. The conference will include a poster session. Authors whose posters have been selected will be asked to accept and confirm their attendance at the conference (either virtually or in person).
Mental Health Clinicians brings together the best content for mental health and psychiatry professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 15, 2023
A udrey Clare Farley is a writer, editor, and scholar of 20th-century American culture with a special interest in science and religion. She earned a PhD in English literature at the University of Maryland, College Park. She now teaches a course on U.S. history at Mount St. Mary’s University. Her first book, The Unfit Heiress: The Tragic Life and Scandalous Sterilization of Ann Cooper Hewitt , tells the story of a 1930s millionairess whose mother secretly sterilized her to deprive her of the fami
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 12, 2023
From Brickel & Associates, LLC : “When a child experiences neglect, anxiety, or danger repeatedly in a close relationship, that child often grows up with a sense that they are not okay. Psychology has a name for the longterm, consistent type of trauma that leaves a person feeling insecure, overwhelmed, and unsafe in the world: complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or CPTSD.
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 14, 2023
W hy do some people experience severe withdrawal symptoms when stopping antidepressants, while others have few symptoms and some have none? Who are these “severe” people? Can we identify them before they start an antidepressant? With so much debate and discussion about “how many” (including the previous two essays in this series), it’s surprising that so little has been written about “why some and not others?
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 15, 2023
From Dr. Jonice Webb : “Why are Emotional Neglect and depression often experienced together? Let’s start with a brief refresher on Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN), how it happens, and how it plays out through the neglected child’s adult life. Childhood Emotional Neglect happens when your parents fail to respond enough to your emotions as they raise you.
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 17, 2023
“Our Story” No one will ever know our story You exist only in my memory, now I sit by myself and remember I’ll do this forever or maybe Hardly ever Still, no one will ever know, Of my broken heart and Dying hopes No one will ever know How I gave up and You Let. Me. Go. T hese are words I put together more than 10 years ago for a star-crossed lover and friend whom I lost to depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
From Jacobin : “Police violence and lack of access to essential care services have emerged as twinned hallmarks of American life. In a nation in which people with unmet mental health needs are 16 times more likely to be killed by police, about a quarter of all people killed by U.S. police since 2015 were suffering––or were perceived to be suffering––from a mental health crisis.
Mad in America
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
From The New York Times : “Doctors and patients have long known that antidepressants can cause sexual problems. No libido. Pleasureless orgasms. Numb genitals. Well over half of people taking the drugs report such side effects. Now, a small but vocal group of patients is speaking out about severe sexual problems that have endured even long after they stopped taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the most popular type of antidepressants.
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