How to Handle Back-to-School Anxiety
Psychology Today
AUGUST 19, 2024
A quick guide to decrease those back-to-school jitters.
Psychology Today
AUGUST 19, 2024
A quick guide to decrease those back-to-school jitters.
Mad in America
AUGUST 20, 2024
F or most of 2023, I’d put off having back surgery—hoping against all odds that cortisone injections, monthly doses of oral steroids, strengthening exercises, and using a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit might make the awful sciatica pain disappear. I had a number of major commitments that year that I needed my energy and strength for—my daughter’s July wedding being chief among them.
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Child Mind Intitute
AUGUST 23, 2024
Watch the Recording On August 20, over 950 viewers tuned in as Dave Anderson, PhD , vice president of public engagement and education at the Child Mind Institute, moderated a roundtable discussion on what the research says about the perils and promise of social media for our kids. The panel was made up of Pete Etchells, PhD , who studies evidence-based approaches to screen and social media policies at Bath Spa University in the United Kingdom; Candice Odgers, PhD , a researcher on social media a
Potomac Psychiatry
AUGUST 23, 2024
In the evolving landscape of healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool for diagnosing and treating complex medical conditions that have long perplexed even the most seasoned clinicians. Among these conditions, treatment-resistant depression (TRD) stands out as one of the most challenging. Despite numerous advances in psychiatric care, a significant subset of patients remains unresponsive to traditional treatments, leaving them in a state of chronic mental distress.
Real Psychiatry
AUGUST 23, 2024
Keith Rasmussen is Professor of Psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic and the author of an authoritative text on electroconvulsive therapy - Principles and Practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy. I noticed the pre-release literature on his book on ketamine and waited for months to get a copy. After reading it I can say it was one of the best books I have read in psychiatry.
Mad in America
AUGUST 17, 2024
T his is the story of Will, a young man who plunged into an extreme state following exposure to a synthetic street drug, which led to repeat psychiatric hospitalizations—and the effect on family members who supported him along the way. Told by his mother, Pamela, and his oldest brother, Joe, it’s also a story of resilience, loving commitment, and a push for change against a system riddled with discrimination and harms.
Love & Life Toolbox
AUGUST 22, 2024
This is one of my favorite topics in my therapy practice, where hope can be used to generate an often needed flame from an ember; for individuals seeking personal growth or in a relationship where two people are looking for signs of life and encouragement to move forward together. Hope is the belief in one’s ability to achieve desired goals and the pathways to reach them.
Mental Health Clinicians brings together the best content for mental health and psychiatry professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Mental Health America (MHA)
AUGUST 21, 2024
Trailblazing the Future of Youth Peer Support August 22, 2024 MHA Admin Wed, 08/21/2024 - 13:18 Download the full report Download the executive summary In response to widespread increases in mental health distress among young people, youth leaders have stepped up to help their peers and drive policy change. Peer support is a key youth priority for promoting young peoples mental health and well-being.
Mad in America
AUGUST 23, 2024
I magine a campfire built with logs of wood in a pyramid with a tinder underneath it to get it going. You ignite the tinder and blow on it to encourage the flame to rise upward and catch hold of the larger pieces of wood. A log by itself does not catch the flame, but the simmering tinder is always there, burning like an ember ready to expand. Now imagine that happening inside your head.
The Anxiety Guy
AUGUST 19, 2024
Can anxiety change who you are? Absolutely, but in what ways and how can we begin turning things around? In this powerful podcast episode I dive deep into this phenomenon and what to do about it starting right now… Show Notes: Can Anxiety Change Who You Are? In this eye-opening episode of The Anxiety Guy Podcast, I will dive into the profound ways anxiety can infiltrate every aspect of our lives and, if unchecked, gradually shape our very identity.
From Both Sides of the Couch
AUGUST 19, 2024
Personal Perspective: As I recover from surgery, I'm transported back to the days when I used to cut myself to numb emotional pain.
Real Psychiatry
AUGUST 18, 2024
I critiqued a paper that purported to show that Diagnostic and Statistical Manual criteria produce an impossibly large number of possible combinations and that this somehow invalidates their use. As a refresher, combinations are basically any pool of n elements combined k at a time. For example, in the case of major depression, the diagnosis requires at least 5 ( k 5) of 9 ( n =9) elements.
Mad in America
AUGUST 22, 2024
Lively do the shadows play Within the darkened lonely way Few dare tread along the deep Where hatreds children play with sleep Rage and laughter fill the day As hell must strangely melt away A heart long taught to never weep Now learns the bliss among the sheep Going off some of the Depakote, it seemed that the people around me did not seem to care about what was going on in my head.
Credible Mind
AUGUST 20, 2024
In partnership with Sign Up Now NACCHO and CredibleMind Collaboration Increases Behavioral Health Access in U.S. Communities for Nearly 25 Million People Across the U.S. Celebrating One Year of Progress WASHINGTON, D.C. August 21, 2024 The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the voice of the over 3,300 local health departments across the country and CredibleMind, Inc. celebrate a year of positive outcomes with its Behavioral Health 360 program, a collaboration t
Mad in America
AUGUST 21, 2024
I n this interview for MIA Radio, Brooke Siem speaks with David Taylor and Mark Horowitz about their publication of the Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines, which is of particular note since the Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines is a leading text in medicine worldwide. David Taylor is the Director of Pharmacy and Pathology at Maudsley Hospital and a Professor of Psychopharmacology at King’s College in London.
Credible Mind
AUGUST 20, 2024
In partnership with Sign Up Now CredibleMind Debuts Science-Backed Flourishing Course at NACCHO360 – Promoting Positive Mental Health for Communities and Individuals WASHINGTON, D.C. August 21, 2024 CredibleMind, a leader in population digital mental health solutions, is excited to introduce The Flourishing Course, an innovative online program designed to equip individuals with the skills needed to maintain positive mental health and live with greater happiness, purpose, and life satisfa
Mad in America
AUGUST 22, 2024
I n mental health, a peer is someone who shares similar life experiences or challenges. These individuals have navigated mental health issues themselves and can provide a unique perspective and support to others on similar paths. Peer support, therefore, is a system where individuals with shared experiences offer guidance, empathy, and encouragement to one another.
Real Psychiatry
AUGUST 18, 2024
I am more than a little fed up with unnecessary wars and deaths. My college days were defined largely by an unnecessary war in Vietnam. I was in the first reactivation of the military draft largely because nobody wanted to go off to Vietnam for no clear reason and fight a war. That first draft was a lottery system by birthday and my lottery number was 215.
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