Is There Such a Thing as Good Grief?
Psychology Today
FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Loss is universal, but there are ways to manage it.
Psychology Today
FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Loss is universal, but there are ways to manage it.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 6, 2024
Joey Marino, an actor on the 90’s television show ER who developed a horrific case of tardive dyskinesia after being prescribed Seroquel for anxiety, passed away on January 14th. In 2021, he had published a poem called “ Bedridden ” on Mad in America, and a video of him was included in Peter Gotzsche’s blog “ Psychiatry’s Denial of the Horrors of Tardive Dyskinesia. ” Another video posted to the Coalition to End Psychiatric Harm YouTube channel shows Joey stru
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Dr. Deb
FEBRUARY 8, 2024
Received the first draft cover art to my next children's book, "Sometimes When I'm Jealous." Always so meaningful and fun to collaborate with my illustrator Kyra Teis.
Solara Mental Health
FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons “Why do I cut myself?” is not a question most people would think of asking themselves, but it is a reality for countless individuals, the vast majority of whom are in their youth. Self-injury is more common than most of us realize. Self-harm (which occurs when someone cuts, burns, or otherwise hurts him or herself the condition is clinically known as non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI)).
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Disclaimer: some doctors have excellent bedside manner and a deep and compassionate understanding of the body’s physical responses to emotions. They take care to understand their patients’ life experiences and to look beyond the purely physical. While these doctors make a point of not pathologizing anxious patients, this article is about those doctors who are lacking in this department and who, therefore, cause patients to feel invalidated.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 4, 2024
From Commune : “In this society, there’s an assumption which shows up in how we talk about things. So when somebody does something selfish or greedy, what do we say: ‘Oh, that’s just human nature.’ But there’s an assumption in that about human nature. Interestingly enough, it’s rarely the case that somebody does something generous or kind or supportive, that people say, ‘Oh that’s just human nature.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 8, 2024
From The Nation : “Amid ongoing emergencies. the United States has slipped quietly toward an assault on civil liberties as an answer to plummeting mental health. From coast to coast, state lawmakers of both parties are reaching for coercive treatment and involuntary commitment to address spiraling substance use and overdose crises—an approach that will only escalate despair and multiply otherwise preventable deaths while helping to choke the life out of America.
Mental Health Clinicians brings together the best content for mental health and psychiatry professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 3, 2024
W hat does it mean when certain symptoms keep repeatedly emerging? What does it mean when a certain traumatic experience plays over and over again in someone’s life and causes problems and suffering? There is a lot of talk of trauma these days. However, what is often less addressed is the process that accompanies it, the social context within which it happens and resources.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 6, 2024
S omeone asked me the other day: but what has changed in terms of psychiatric treatment in twenty years? I can reflect on this question because I have been dealing with the psychiatric system for a long time. I got my first psychosis twenty years ago, and they came back every couple of years until two and a half years ago, when I finally met a brilliant psychiatrist who found me a medication that seems to keep me stable, without any side-effects.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 8, 2024
T he specter of postpartum depression (PPD) has haunted me from the time I was a little girl. When my baby-sister was born in 1959, my mother struggled to manage her life taking care of three young children along with a newborn. I was too young to remember what her struggles may have been, but my father’s records revealed a lot about her condition at the time.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic that is often used as a last resort to treat schizophrenia that has not been responsive to other drugs, also known as “treatment-resistant schizophrenia” (TRS), due to its adverse side effects, some of which are life-threatening. A new review published in CNS Drugs analyzes the current available treatment guidelines for monitoring the potential negative side effects of clozapine.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 9, 2024
‘C hairman Mao’ greeted me gently from the back of a small Chinese ‘bread van’, a simple but practical vehicle found all over China in June 2001. The local police, no doubt glad to be rid of me, had escorted me to him, though I find I have no memory of my journey with them or of covering the walls of their police cell with the blood seeping from the wounds on my arm.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 5, 2024
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, Mad in America is publishing a serialized version of Les Ruthven’s book, Much of U.S. Healthcare is Broken: How to Fix It. In this blog, he addresses antidepressants versus CBT, the buzz around ketamine and esketamine, and the new frontier of drugs for postpartum depression. Each Monday, a new section of the book is published, and all chapters are archived here.
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 9, 2024
From STAT : “Neither mental health nor policing can be fixed by simply pouring more money into business as usual. To improve either will require building non-police crisis response systems while also reconceptualizing community-based systems for mental health. Several major U.S. cities , including New York City , Atlanta , San Francisco , Albuquerque , and Denver , have been engaging in the first part of this work by launching or expanding programs to send mental health responders
Mad in America
FEBRUARY 9, 2024
Verse! Wild! Let it be wild and uncontrolled! Consider not whether it passes muster In the logic-schools, Or marks time with the monotonous regularity Of clopping hooves of horses on parade, Or, God forbid, it RHYMES, Like men in olden times, But sing as wild and mystical As the sybil at Cumae! Pluck down “whirling words” from some madding love divine Up there in the farthest reaches of high heaven!
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