Fri.Feb 09, 2024

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Peaceful Reflections on the Past from ‘One Who Got Away’

Mad in America

‘C hairman Mao’ greeted me gently from the back of a small Chinese ‘bread van’, a simple but practical vehicle found all over China in June 2001. The local police, no doubt glad to be rid of me, had escorted me to him, though I find I have no memory of my journey with them or of covering the walls of their police cell with the blood seeping from the wounds on my arm.

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Moving From Crisis Response to Crisis Prevention in U.S. Mental Health Systems

Mad in America

From STAT : “Neither mental health nor policing can be fixed by simply pouring more money into business as usual. To improve either will require building non-police crisis response systems while also reconceptualizing community-based systems for mental health. Several major U.S. cities , including New York City , Atlanta , San Francisco , Albuquerque , and Denver , have been engaging in the first part of this work by launching or expanding programs to send mental health responders

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A Mad Poem about Mad Poetry (by a Mad Poet)

Mad in America

Verse! Wild! Let it be wild and uncontrolled! Consider not whether it passes muster In the logic-schools, Or marks time with the monotonous regularity Of clopping hooves of horses on parade, Or, God forbid, it RHYMES, Like men in olden times, But sing as wild and mystical As the sybil at Cumae! Pluck down “whirling words” from some madding love divine Up there in the farthest reaches of high heaven!