Thu.Aug 15, 2024

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Dearest Doctor by Brighid Aime

Mad in America

Dearest Doctor #2, don’t dollop me in shame (or throw me a death sentence for that matter). Don’t tell me I need to be happy with just scraping by. Yes, I can bear your diagnosis, AND I can still thrive. The medical perspective is barely alive. You’re supposed to help me heal. Your drugs are like band-aids on bullet holes. Stop acting like they’re miracles.

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Alzheimer’s Disease: The Great Leveller

Doctors In Distress Blog

Mum did something really weird today said my non-medical sister to my brother and I. I looked up and took note, as there was something in the tone of her voice that made me feel uneasy. I said nothing and waited for her to continue speaking. She picked up the TV remote control and tried to use it to make a phone call. It was really odd. For context Im a GP and my brother is a neurologist so you can probably guess what happened next.

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How To Embrace Discomfort (And Why It’s Good For Us)

The London Psychiatry Centre

Learning how to embrace discomfort may initially sound unusual, but it can be really beneficial for promoting better mental health. As the old saying goes: Everything youve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. To live a full and meaningful life, we need to learn how to embrace discomfort. This is because, sure as gravity, what is rewarding and meaningful in life will involve uncomfortable feelings at some stage.