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Mad in America

I had been witch-hunted in 2021. Now, without a call recording or any evidence, under South Australian law, this policeman could forcibly take me from my children and home under suspicion and hearsay of mental illness. At my local hospital, the nurses treated me like a criminal.

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Giving Caregivers a Platform: Sherita, Mother of Tony

Mad in America

During his last year of college, Tony was prescribed medications for obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety, just as many others on the autism spectrum are prescribed multiple drugs that only contribute to their distress. Unfortunately, these drugs made Tony aggressive and combative, and at one point he knocked Sherita unconscious.

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Q&A: What Is Executive Function, and How Can Parents and Teachers Help Kids Focus?

Mad in America

PhD (2021). They liken EF skills to learning to ride a bicycle, where you have to coordinate balance, pedaling, blocking distractions, and watching the path in front of you. Like any skill or set of habits, EF skills develop over time and, hopefully, strengthen with guided practice and encouragement. References: Bertin, M. MD and Bluth, K.