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Summing up the STAR*D Scandal: The Public was Betrayed, Millions were Harmed, and the Mainstream Media Failed Us All

Mad in America

American psychiatry has weathered the crisis; it will not have to confront a public stunned by news of how the oft-cited 67% cumulative remission rate, in the largest and longest study ever done to evaluate depression treatment,” was born of scientific misconduct.

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It’s You, It’s Not Me: Treatment Resistant Depression and the Psychiatric Breakup

Mad in America

The eighties and nineties were a depression-treatment renaissance. Anthony, Degtiar, Irina, A Review of the Clinical, Economic, and Societal Burden of TreatmentResistant Depression: 1996–2013. Challenges of Treatment Resistant Depression. 2018) Paykel, Eugene. Basic concepts of depression.