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Antipsychotics Lead to Worse Outcomes in First-Episode Psychosis

Mad in America

This included 3714 adolescents ages 13-20 who received a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder between 2003 and 2013 and had never before taken antipsychotic drugs. Researchers have found that cognitive-behavioral therapy without antipsychotics is just as effective for first-episode psychosis—that adding drugs provided no additional improvement.

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Placebo Effect—Not Antidepressants—Responsible for Depression Improvement

Mad in America

The Current Study Back in 2003, the NIMH-sponsored Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS) included 439 adolescents aged 12-17 who met DSM-IV criteria for depression. There were four treatment arms, including fluoxetine (Prozac) only; cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) only; fluoxetine and CBT; and placebo.

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Depression: Psychiatry’s Discredited Theories and Drugs Versus a Sane Model and Approach

Mad in America

In multiple studies linking childhood trauma to depression, The Truth About Depression (2003) reports that depression was from 1.6 Wampold documents research confirming that “belief in approach,” “relationship alliance,” and “therapist personal characteristics” are more important factors than any therapy techniques.